James A. Lisi is Managing Director for Central Coast California at The Mentor Group Inc., and owner of Santa Barbara Valuations Inc. He has over fifteen years of valuation experience and twenty years in executive and strategic positions at Fortune 100, Private Equity and his own personally held businesses, and extensive operating experience in manufacturing, distribution, rental and youth services. As an author, Mr. Lisi has published,
The Estate of Giustina: The Ninth Circuit Obliterates the 35% Barrier on the Minority Share Discount for Lack of Marketability. Santa Barbara Lawyer, 2018.
Built-in Gain Tax Liability: Defend Yourselves! Estate of Richmond v. Commissioner Rebutted. National Association of Estate Planners & Councils, 2017
Use of the Option Pricing Method Changes the Standard of Value. Does the IRS, or Anyone, Care? National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, 2017.